How Much Occupancy Tax Has Been Collected?
CCA began an independent review of the County’s Occupancy Tax spending after being told for several years that there were no OT funds available to complete the hike and bike path along NC12. But suddenly, after three visitors were killed walking along that dangerous road, OT funds were found in 2015. We now know that there was plenty of money in 2012 to complete the paths, but the County was reserving it for mainland Parks and Recreation projects like the YMCA.
A Dec 2016 briefing by the County to the CCA member meeting also left many unanswered questions. CCA needed to take an independent look at how OT was being spent. CCA reviewed all completed audit reports and also Commissioner approved budgets for FY 2019 and FY2020 that had not yet been audited.
As shown in the table below, by 2012, the County had more than $8 million in reserve when the County told CCA they did not have the $3 million needed for the hike and bike paths.
Where Is The Tax Revenue Generated?
Our analysis also revealed the sources of the OT revenue, that is where the tourist dollars were being spent. As shown below more than 99% of OT revenues comes from our beach. The beach offers more than 20,000 bedrooms for rent in more than 4,000 rental homes. In 2018 the County reported more than $12 million in OT receipts. Land Use Plan plan analysis indicates that more than 99% of the revenue comes from beach tourism.
Source: County Tax Records, Data provided to 2018 Land Use Plan Steering Group, web research